“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”
Mother Teresa
What’s All One Nurse?
All One Nurse is a nursing support blog & podcast.
Before we are nurses, we are human. Bridging the gap between the stethoscope and the soul is essential in today’s healthcare environment. It’s about more than just diagnosing ailments. It’s about getting back to the human side of healthcare, rekindling the relationships between patients and providers, and fostering empathy and understanding. By integrating compassionate communication with clinical expertise, we can create an atmosphere where healthcare is not just a service but a deeply personal experience that honors the dignity and individuality of each person.
From one nurse to another, All One Nurse wants to support nurses holistically, whether spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, or career-wise. There is a resource for every facet of your life, helping you be the best person you can be and making you the best nurse you can be.
Through various resources known and yet to be discovered, All One Nurse aims to provide it for those aspiring to become nurses, even the most experienced nurses. For example, providing resources on applying to nursing school to understanding the benefits of obtaining credentials in an area of experience. Through motivation and inspiration, All One Nurse also wants to focus on self-care while being selfless at the bedside.
Iyanla Vanzant says it best regarding self-care,
“Whatever is in your cup is for you, and whatever is flowing out of your cup is for everyone else”.
So, how full is your cup and, better yet, what is in it?
Hopefully, connecting with All One Nurse will help you become an All One Nurse. Being fully competent and determined to take care of patients wholeheartedly while taking care of yourself, too.
Who’s behind All One Nurse?

Hi, I am Shenell Thompkins. I am a Christian, wife, mom, and nurse. I have been a nurse for 12 years now. I obtained my bachelor’s in nursing degree from Arkansas State University in 2011, and my master’s in nursing degree in education in 2018 from Union University. Even though I am far from being a novice nurse, I believe I am always transitioning between competent, proficient, and expert nursing. This is because healthcare always evolves and requires even the most proficient nurse to catch up. My nursing career consists of working in Progressive Care Units, Cardiovascular Intensive Care, and Clinical Instructor. I am currently a Staff Development Specialist. I facilitate hospital orientation and classes and oversee orientation specifically for Critical Care nursing staff. As a bedside nurse, I had the opportunity to float to different units like stepdown and other critical care areas when needed, so I have witnessed the differences in these units. My career is to be continued as I become a podcast host, hosting two episodes for Nurse Converse, presented by Nurse.org. Launching the All One Nurse podcast on August 7, 2024.

What People Say
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Walt Disney
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
J. K. Rowling
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.
Dr. Seuss