All One Nurse


“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”- Mother Teresa


What’s All One Nurse?

All One Nurse is a support blog. Before we are nurses, we are human. We are parents, spouses, family members, members of society, and, at some point in life, a patient too. So, from one nurse to another, All One Nurse want to support nurses holistically. Whether it is spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, or career wise. There is a resource for every facet of your life to help you be the best person you can be, making you the best nurse you can be. Through various resources, known and yet to be discovered, All One Nurse aims to provide it for those aspiring to become nurses to even the most experienced nurses. For example, providing resources from how to apply to nursing school to understanding the benefits of obtaining credentials in area of experience. Through motivation and inspiration, All One Nurse also wants to focus on selfcare, while also being selfless at the bedside.

Iyanla says it best regarding self-care,

 “Whatever is in my cup is for me, and whatever is flowing out of my cup is for everyone else”.

So how full is your cup and, better yet, what is in it? Hopefully, connecting with All One Nurse will help you become all one nurse. Being fully competent and determined to take care of patients wholeheartedly, while taking care of yourself too.