You Better Get One! A Nursing Philosophy.

Do you have a nursing philosophy? 

A nursing philosophy is a mission statement that outlines a nurse’s values, beliefs, personal and professional ethics as they relate to the nursing profession and their motivation for being a nurse”. 

As a nurse educator, I developed a teaching philosophy. Check it out below and I encourage you to develop your own nursing philosophy to help motivate you on your nursing journey. Enjoy! 

My Nursing Philosophy

I am very passionate about the nursing profession and my role as a nurse. I desire to teach future nurses the same values, beliefs, and dedication I have toward the nursing profession. What I believe makes a great nurse educator is their qualities, teaching strategies, and recognition of challenges.

I believe a nurse educator’s character should possess an attitude of integrity, accountability, respect, commitment, caring, managing impulsivity, and listening with understanding and empathy. Doing so, demonstrates the respect for thyself, the profession of nursing, and the public.

I believe a nurse educator’s skills and competency are important, adding the ability to combine clinical expertise with a formal background in teaching for students to be successful. Nurse educators should aim to become certified to rid the question of competency, but display competency in their area of practice.

I believe that successful teaching consists of the ability to use a variety of teaching strategies that promote a learner-centered environment. I believe that students should understand that they are accountable for their learning which will affect the lives of others. I want to do so in a manner that is motivating and facilitates learning.  I believe that nurse educators must assess how students learn best and be adaptable, approachable, and responsive to students.

I believe that successful teaching consists of recognition of challenges. There are constant changes within the nursing profession and health care system. We must be aware of external issues like health care reform, changing demographics, technology, and the environment in which nurses’ practice. We must develop a curriculum that remains challenging while also providing opportunities for diverse students to participate in. 


What Is a Nursing Philosophy? (With Tips and Examples) |